Postcards are the focus! 🔆

🔆Postcards are the focus!

Coming up soon is the next show for the Sunshine Post Card Club. Now honestly, I missed the club event in January. I’m hoping that I remember before 2 pm to head over & support the club & check out the great postcards.

I found so many beautiful cards in October the last time when I went over. It’s a bit of a jaunt to the other side of Tampa from my place here in Polk County. Sometimes that makes me a little anxious. But once I get going, It’s all fun, all day. The club members are lovely & kinds. They are warm & welcoming. I’m going to add another gallery of the cards to highlight the good-sized haul I’ve purchased at the club event. There are too many for just one post. Hope to see you there. Surely you will find wonderful postcards to add to your collection
You can also check them out on their Facebook page & Facebook group.

Sunshine PostCard Club