The #1 and only 🥇

Room for 1 more…plus a few extras

Connections are our reason for being.
Exploring the world one postcard at a time.
Each one with its own story.

Learn along the way

Always perusing the postcard market for unique finds that appeal to me and fit the collection. Social media has been a powerhouse in connecting with others regarding postcards. It’s such an eclectic mix of artists, handmade card creators, & vintage collectors from clubs. I hope to build a lively club for a bunch of people here in Central Florida interested in coming together to celebrate this historic hobby.
Let me know if that interests you!

Recently, I came across a post, {You have no idea how many posts like this I pass on the daily} This one caught my attention. A particular collection including two states. I had no idea if they would be interested in selling it or even sharing information about it. I’m getting pretty cool with no response or no answer, and extremely surprised when I do get an answer. This often leads to amazing conversations.

This postcard above is going to be a hallmark in the future I’m planning with my Florida Vintage Linen Postcard collection. The owners of these gorgeous cards have been so generous with their collection. There will be much more on these cards as I process & scan them. I want to do it precisely, delicately. These are going to be a strong foundation for a legacy museum of Florida postcards. I have 3 or 4 times the amount to process to go along with these, yet the later were not preserved as well. It will take deliberate care to go through my older cards to save them with the same honor as the collection that has just arrived.

I’d also love to preserve a few other styles in my personal collection of vintage postcards, while also exploring modern postcard artistry. So many postcards to explore. It’s much more exciting to play with the postcards, hold them, view & sort, find ways to group them together. Yes, much more excitement to come on the Postcard collection front.

It is with great appreciation we received these precious vintage postcards from what will become a lifetime connection with a fellow postcard aficionado. Our common thread is to preserve Florida history through the beautiful artwork of Postcards.
