Swagology Surprise 😍📮

Swagology Surprise 😍📮

Had forgotten a comment on Twitter, until the mail from France arrived.
Engagement on Twitter is one of those little mood boosters that helps to push me forward on my many online projects. It’s where I came across Logology founders. Supporting Bootstrappers is important to me. They are the creatives trying to make the world a better place, one project at a time. Logology solved a problem for me with a logo for another website I’m creating. Then took the time to follow up with a “Thank You” card, which appeared here on MPP before. Now, just look how generous they are. A simple acknowledgement of their projects on Twitter and voilà, arrival appears once again.

Thank you so very much for being a positive force in the Bootstrapping community. Thank you for your inspiration and consideration to those who follow your accomplishments. Memelogy is also another up-and-coming project from the Bootstrapping Founder Entrepreneurial couple. Many Blessings to Logology and Swagology. 🤗

Swagology sticker