From the bustling metropolis of Polk County, comes this Tichnor Bro. Linen Postcard. The shadow of the print glows through onto the address side. Dear Hubby led me to this one at the Silvermoon Theater Swap n Shop [not the theater mentioned on the card]. He almost bought a whole box full of these, bless his heart. One is plenty. Though I should have purchased a few more for postcrossing.
Lovely card, and unused. The description is somewhat humorous to me because it starts off so strong on all the luxury of Lakeland, and finishes with the advantages of the utilities. Glad someone had the forethought to build those luxuries here. I’ve been here off and on since 1992. This area in Florida is very appealing. Here in the center of the state, we are close to everything that matters in a big way, yet still manage to keep what matters in a small way prized. It is growing here quickly tho…. If you ever get a chance, do visit our modern, antique air-conditioned moving picture house at the Polk Theatre. It is a treasure. If I’ve not shared a card of it already, it will pop up here eventually. So be it!
Always sending peace and love.
LaLa 👋
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