RAoC Form Fun Part 1️⃣

Front webpage to the community forum
Random Acts of Cards


    This adventure started by looking for postcard exchanges. I never know how I get someplace, but the trail always leads to someplace good, kind, beautiful, blessed and abundant.  The community on Reddit has been around since 2013, nearly a decade now.  I hope they have a huge postcard celebration for the anniversary.  Everywhere I go, of course, I am a newbie. That means learning the nuances of the culture among the members.  There is a way to post where you either submit and [offer], [request],  [exchange], or [Thank You].  At first, I was quite intimidated by the formality of it all. Since, I didn’t want to offend the community by posting incorrectly, so I admit, I was a lurker for a lil bit!  😂 

Invitation to a postcard swap

Then the day came when it clicked in my head, allowing me to participate.  A group member made an offer that was so appealing, it couldn’t be passed up. I followed the link to the postcard form and opened an enchanted rabbit hole to postcard utopia. To see how easily it was to make a form and have the information at ones’ fingertips to send out a bunch of postcards.  Well, that just opened up the gates of blessing from above.
Guess who learned how to make their own form, and post on RAoC?  It was a quick project for the weekend and once it was posted the requests for the Empress Lily Postcards started to roll in.  There are still plenty more to share, therefore, I have continued searching for ways to share the form and the postcards.  Coming up next week……
Part 2 A colorful collection of notes mailed out on the Empress Lilly cards.  

If you’d like one, the form is HERE! 

Random Acts of Postcards
Random Acts of Postcards Form