Interesting 💭
My outbound cards fell off in November while working extra hours on the day job. It seemed logical to me that the 📭 mailboxes📮 would also slow down. That has not been the case. Having a profile on Postcrossing and PostFun has kept me in the postcard exchanges at the end of the year. It’s been very exhilarating. Then I also received a lovely card for the holidays from my most favorite Dearheart, who is on the West Coast far away. She always remembers and sends holiday greetings. I don’t know what I would do without her.
There was also one more surprise this month with Logology. Since i’m actively building niche websites, I thought it would be prudent to hire a professional for logos on a new brand we are trying to create. There will be plenty to learn there on another date. Logology send a lovely card, a postcard to thank me for the purchase, and a lovely envelope with their unique stamp. It was so different in terms of marketing that I felt I just needed to share it. I hope you like it.
For the remainder of the year, it will be inevitable to be constantly busy with overtime at the day job. I will be struggling just to make it through physically. If I have a down week or two, please be patient. We welcome comments on the blog, and would love to hear from you. That could keep us connected until the next round of beautiful postcard posts.
The blog has been pretty independent of my other projects, as it is my baby. These are my personal postcards being shared here. Personal exchanges between friends, pen pals, and fellow postcrossers. I haven’t yet started a postcard club, nor a newsletter specifically for My Picture Postcards, yet the opportunity has recently been laid at my feet, so to speak. Think i’m going to build the newsletter on postcard .page. I was able to get a profile started, and the domain for MyPicturePostcards. newsletter page. So, thinking out loud, or #LearningInPublic, I’m going to try to build a specific newsletter just for MPP. I would really love contributions for your favorite postcard shopping experiences. I’ve been working on my postcard marketplace as well. Until the first of the year, the time will be extremely limited as to how much progress will be achieved. Since I’ve spoken it out into the ether of the universe, now maybe we can get somewhere with these beautiful postcard projects.
Until next time
Happy Holidays, Happy New Year
LaLa 👋🏻
Logology |